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facebook login welcome
facebook login welcome
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. ~Johann Schiller
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. ~Lucille Ball
There is still no cure for the common birthday. ~John Glenn
They say that age is all in your mind. The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body. ~Author Unknown
Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that'll get you home earlier. ~Dan Bennett
What about having a bio on your profile? You know so you don't have to post it no the Friendly Topic...? ^^ ~John Glenn

I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter
I like that idea. Maybe having a more accurate time stamp on tag changes as well? I'm always looking at the tag changes list, so it would be nice to know how long ago changes were made. Maybe a time stamp similar to the ones used for posts and comments in addition to the date the change was made. ~Dinah Craik
Thanks to modern medical advances such as antibiotics, nasal spray, and Diet Coke, it has become routine for people in the civilized world to pass the age of 40, sometimes more than once. ~Dave Barry, "Your Disintegrating Body," Dave Barry Turns 40, 1990
Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher's mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and pin the three together. Of course, in case of rain, you gotta call the game and start all over again. ~Jimmy Piersal, on how to diaper a baby, 1968
Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. ~Charles Schulz
Middle age is the time when a man is always thinking that in a week or two he will feel as good as ever. ~Don Marquis
want to ride mcbain to clinton for 1st try is west to east the way to go and how long should that take ~Author Unknown

it's the worst site ever... and it loads very very very damm slow Yotoon don't take any part of that site. ~Johann Schiller
It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't. ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams
When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it. ~Mark Twain
No, I entirely understand your position, having been a forum moderator in the past myself. As such, I am 'not' advocating for the removal of that lock, simply an increase in its limit. ~Sam Ewing
To start with the easy to use rating system. Starting at 100%(or 0) with up and down voting. ~Author Unknown
Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. ~Sam Ewing
I disagree. The three limit per hour cap is simply too few. Yes we could continue upon the forum, but I would hardly call that as relevant a connection with the image. ~Dave Barry, "Your Disintegrating Body," Dave Barry Turns 40, 1990
My wife and i are looking to backpack the kt can any one tell give an idea as to the miles between tows a rough guide would do and is it to hot to hike the trail in Aug ~Author Unknown
I am planning to hike the trail from Clinton & ending in St. Charles this March. I am a ultra runner from Colorado but I used to live in Alton Illinois and this trail has always interest me. My plan is to hike/run the trail in 5 days or less. Can ... ~Branch Rickey
A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age. ~Robert Frost
I would highly recommend this hotel to everyone who comes this way.It's clean, comfortable and the staff treats you like family. A wonderful overnight stop. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997
Does anyone know the mile marker # at the end of the trail just north of the 370 bridge? Thanks. ~Charles Schulz
If the logo would be changed, which I highly doubt it any time soon, I wouldn't go for something as general as miku, even if it's popular. ~Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities
I am planning to hike the trail from Clinton & ending in St. Charles this March. I am a ultra runner from Colorado but I used to live in Alton Illinois and this trail has always interest me. My plan is to hike/run the trail in 5 days or less. Can ... ~Branch Rickey
Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. ~Bill Cosby
First you forget names; then you forget faces; then you forget to zip up your fly; and then you forget to unzip your fly. ~Branch Rickey
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